A downloadable game for Windows

Meow dear Kittens!

Here's Carlo 'Yumero' Gambacorta, member and founder of Insane Kat Games!
This is an old project, this game is a puzzle horror game I didn't finish
because the chicken I am didn't write the game's screenplay, so 
I have forgotten the story...

I changed the story of Bastard Ink, so I haven't the intention to finish a project
I changed the concept radically.

I made just the 1% of the graphic; the other graphics tileset was the standard graphics of RPG MAKER XP.

NOTE: Unfortunately, this game is in ITALIAN language ONLY.
I don't accept any donations because it was an experimental game.
I did mistakes with the script(I was just a 15-year-old teen-dummy who made Italian grammar mistakes too!)
So pushing SPACE on the nameless inventory options will cause a crash!

You can make a gameplay, It should be very nice watching someone playing my prototype. :)

Thanks for the attention, kittens.
See ya next time, MEOW! :3


Bastard Ink - Maternal Symbiosis.zip 86 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the compressed file and run "Bastard Ink-Simbiosi materna.exe"
Remember the extracted file's address, because you need to install the xp_rtp104e.exe in the same output folder.

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